Book Bag Club

Welcome to the Whangarei South ICT PD Cluster Book Bag Club. This club is for children attending the Clusters schools to add their own book reviews and comment on others reviews.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Rabbit's Gift

Rabbit's Gift is a modern retelling of the "giving" fable. The spirit of the original story is cleverly revealed by the re-gifting of a turnip by a well-intentioned community of animals.

Through the eyes of the adorable forest creatures—wonderfully illustrated by Laura Dronzek—the reader sees that while he is not responsible for the happiness of others, his actions can deeply impact those he comes in contact with.

The easy conversational writing style, the logical flow of the story, and the twist to the original story make this book a new classic. Shannon does a marvelous job of telling a complex story in simple language.

George Shannon has created a rich allegory that redefines for a whole new generation of readers and listeners the importance of giving. Rabbit's Gift, is a rare, special treat that simply must be savored and shared.

Reviewed by Shannon Evans

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